2 Actions You Must Perform To Beat Sex & Porn Addiction (Hint: Brain & Body)
Jan 02, 2024
Today, I'm going to talk about the two actions that you must perform to beat sex and porn addiction. Welcome, everybody. For the past ten years, my company, with me at its helm, has been helping men overcome the challenges surrounding compulsive sexual behavior.
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Thank you so much for joining me. It's a very important topic today. I want to start with the foundation that the condition that we are treating is in the body. What I mean by that is because it's in the body, we need a body solution because it's in the body.
We need a body solution... To unpack that a little bit, we sex addicts and porn addicts are completely disconnected from our bodies. This is not the condition of someone emotionally regulated, someone who is integrated, someone who is emotionally intelligent, someone who who is in control of their body. No, we have lost control. And often that loss of control impacts the lack of exercise that we do and the poor food choices that we make.
So let me say it again. If you are struggling with compulsive sexual behavior of any kind, remember this... It is in the body and you need a body solution.
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